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The Asia Kennel Union Code is addressed to all Asia Kennel Union members, committee members and all volunteers acting on behalf of the Asia Kennel Union.It is recognised that there is a Code of Ethics ...
The Asia Kennel Union Code is addressed to all Asia Kennel Union members, committee members and all volunteers acting on behalf of the Asia Kennel Union.

 It is recognised that there is a Code of Ethics for breeders who register litters, Code of Best Practice for Asia Kennel Union Judges and Codes of Conduct for participants at Asia Kennel Union licensed events.  There are also codes in respect of the welfare and safety of dogs.

All participants, at whatever level are subject to the general principles set out below and always ultimately with a commitment and focus in the service of, towards and in the best interest of the dog.


We act with     INtegrity at all times, we behave with:


Dignity; we are

Open and objective; we

Give of our time voluntarily and



We have:

Respect for all, and

Embrace inclusiveness; we

Share our knowledge and experience without seeking favour; we work

Positively towards the future for dogs being

Entrusted with a unique responsibility to our canine companions, and are together

Collaborative and constructive

Tolerant and empathetic with the views of others.


Asia Kennel Union member

A Asia Kennel Union member is an ambassador and a representative of the Asia Kennel Union. 
Inherent within that status is an expectation of a certain standard of conduct and propriety. 
The privilege carries responsibilities.  These responsibilities are not prescriptive but ought to be obvious within a bandwidth of reasonable expectation. They include extending respect towards everyone in the canine world – both at home and to those overseas.

In particular a Asia Kennel Union member is expected:

To act with integrity at all times when engaged in canine activities; not to use his/her position or status for personal benefit or material gain or for that of a spouse, partner or person in the same household.
Not to use membership status to achieve benefits or gains.
Not to exhibit improper behaviour to staff, recognise they have a job to do, and as employees have statutory and contractual obligations and operational responsibilities, rights and obligations.
To respect the opinions of other Union members and dog activity participants, and do nothing to bring themselves, others or the AKU into disrepute.
To only disclose information regarding the business of the AKU if it is in the public domain or it has been authorised for publication or disclosure, or to disclose information when legally required to do so.
To practice inclusivity and respect diversity; race, religion, age and disability.
To deal with allegations of misconduct through the proper investigatory process and be willing to provide and disclose all evidence necessary to permit a fair hearing for others. To take all reasonable steps to assist with the process of dealing with such allegations.
To apply sound judgement when using social media, respecting the opinions of others and not to engage in threatening, abusive or offensive activity towards others.
Not to publicly criticise other members, nor do anything to damage the interests of or undermine confidence in the AKU and its members including social media activity.
To comply with Asia Kennel Union Rules and Regulations.
A Asia Kennel Union member will understand that if he/she does not follow these principles and falls short of the expectations and responsibilities in being a Asia Kennel Union member, the Asia Kennel Union may be obliged to implement and enforce the code with sanctions under the Asia Kennel Union Rules and Regulations – including the possibility of removal from membership.


Asia Kennel Union committee member 
(in conjunction with the declarations on confidentiality/collective decision making/IPR)

Inherent in being a member of a Asia Kennel Union committee is an expectation of a certain standard of conduct and propriety. The privilege carries responsibilities.  
These responsibilities are not prescriptive but ought to be obvious within a bandwidth of reasonable expectation. They include extending respect towards everyone in the canine world – both at home and to those overseas.

In particular, a Asia Kennel Union committee member is expected:

To demonstrate commitment and make every effort to attend meetings, and when unable to do so send apologies for absence to the respective chairman.
To prepare properly for meetings by reading the agenda, supporting papers and emails in good time prior to the meeting taking place.
To raise issues regarding the agenda or supporting papers with the chairman or responsible persons prior to the meeting to allow time for an appropriate response to be prepared.
To participate fully by engaging in the meeting, keeping an open objective mind, listening and contributing positively.
To take decisions based on the best interests of the Asia Kennel Union.  To act honestly and use reasoned judgement and experience to make recommendations and decisions.
To be accountable and respect the collective joint responsibility for decisions made by the relevant committee.
To declare conflicts of interest.
To take on assigned responsibilities, and take positive actions to deal with them, and to report progress back to the committee chairman regularly.
To keep meeting details and decisions confidential as required, not to disclose information to others publicly or privately that might undermine the committee process or the credibility of the AKU.
To apply sound judgement when using social media, respecting the opinions of others and not to engage in threatening, abusive or offensive activity towards others.
Not to publicly criticise nor do anything to damage the interests of or undermine confidence in the AKU and its members including social media activity.
To comply with the standing orders for Board and committee members (as set out in the annex to this Code).
A Asia Kennel Union committee member will understand that if he/she does not follow these principles and falls short of the expectations and responsibilities in being a Asia Kennel Union committee member that the Asia Kennel Union may be obliged to implement and enforce the code with sanctions under the Asia Kennel Union Rules and Regulations – including the possibility of removal from the respective committee membership.


Asia Kennel Union Board member/director 
(in conjunction with the declarations on confidentiality/collective decision making/IPR and Companies Act statutory duties)

A Asia Kennel Union Board member/director is an ambassador and a representative and a custodian of the assets and reputation of the Asia Kennel Union.  Inherent within that status is an expectation of a certain standard of conduct and propriety. The privilege carries responsibilities.  
These responsibilities are in some respects prescriptive (Companies Act requirements) but also ought to be obvious within a bandwidth of reasonable expectation. They include extending respect towards everyone in the canine world – both at home and to those overseas.


A Board member/director should demonstrate all the expectations outlined for a committee member and in addition is expected:

To act in compliance with the statutory duties of a director as set out in companies legislation. Understand and recognise their statutory responsibilities as a director.
To act in the best interests of the AKU at all times.
To act with honesty, integrity, competence and use professional judgement and or experience to take decisions in the best interests of dogs and their welfare, the Asia Kennel Union and its members.
To provide leadership where necessary and apply objectivity to the decision making process.
To be accountable and respect the collective joint responsibility for decisions made by the Board.
To deal with allegations of misconduct in the best interests of the AKU and its members, deal with whistle blowers in confidence and ensure the appropriate follow up action is taken.
To apply sound judgement when using social media, respecting the opinions of others and not to engage in threatening, abusive or offensive activity towards others.
To comply with the standing orders for Board and committee members, in particular the provisions relating to the exhibition, handling and ownership of dogs and judging at Crufts.
 A Asia Kennel Union Board member/director will understand that if he/she does not follow these principles and falls short of the expectations and responsibilities in being a Asia Kennel Union director that the Asia Kennel Union may be obliged to implement and enforce the code with sanctions under the Asia Kennel Union Rules and Regulations – including the possibility of removal from Board membership/directorship.


Asia Kennel Union volunteer
(in conjunction with the volunteer requirements)

The Asia Kennel Union recognises the importance of volunteers and makes every effort to ensure that they are supported and are valued for their contribution.

A volunteer is a person taking part in a Asia Kennel Union event who has or has offered to take on tasks or responsibilities at that event and where the organisers have accepted this offer. A volunteer may be a committee member, steward, helper or ambassador who is not in receipt of payment in return for the assistance being provided.

Inherent in being a Asia Kennel Union volunteer is an expectation of a certain standard of conduct and propriety.  These responsibilities are not prescriptive but ought to be obvious within a bandwidth of reasonable expectation. They include extending respect towards everyone in the canine world – both at home and to those overseas.

In particular, a volunteer is expected:

To demonstrate commitment and to make every effort to attend events/meetings as may be required.
To recognise that they are representing the best interests of the AKU whilst they are volunteering.
To do so because they are volunteering their skills for the benefit of the AKU, its competitions and events.
Not to seek financial recompense over and above reasonable expenses agreed with the AKU or organiser(s) in advance.
Not to do anything to bring the AKU or its members or participants into disrepute while volunteering and not to undermine confidence in the AKU or its officers, or members, or members of staff.
To treat members of staff, competitors and other participants with respect, recognising they have rights and obligations and contractual responsibilities particularly whilst volunteering and commenting on licensed competitions and events.
To apply sound judgement when using social media, respecting the opinions of others and not to engage in threatening, abusive or offensive activity towards others.
Not to publicly criticise nor do anything to damage the interests of or undermine confidence in the Asia Kennel Union and its members including social media activity.
To be aware of and adhere to the Asia Kennel Union Child Protection Policy and agree to DBS verification checks as appropriate.
A Asia Kennel Union volunteer will understand that if he/she does not follow these principles and falls short of the expectations and responsibilities in being a Asia Kennel Union volunteer that the Asia Kennel Union may be obliged to implement and enforce the code including the possibility of terminating the volunteer arrangement.

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